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HomeMeetings, Presentations & Programs

Crew Meeting by Gary Byrd

¡Encantada! 2024 Third Place

Rio Grande Art Association Member Meetings

When: 9:30 am to 12 noon on the third Saturday of each month (except July & December)
Where: UNM Continuing Education, North Building, Classroom D, 1634 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87131
Parking: Park in east lot behind building; enter through north door Map & Parking


 9:00 – 9:30 am: Check-in at greeting table
 9:30 –10:30 am: Brief business meeting, announcements, show-n-tell, and door prize drawing
10:30 –  Noon: Educational program
Noon: Adjournment

2025 Educational Program Presentations

January 18: Potluck, Annual Meeting, and Special Presentation by Sally Harris: Moroccan Art and Architecture 
February 15: Michelle Tisdale, Floral Paintings

March 15: Barbara Coleman, Painting Begins with a Pencil – The Power of Drawing in Art
April 6: Barbara Coleman, MasterWorks Workshop: Drawing Fundamentals for Painters  (see click here for details)
April 19: Ronna Katz, Print Making Presentation and Demonstration
May 17: Fred Yost, Unusual and Surprising Materials found in the Visual Arts
June 21: George Herman, Relief Sculpture and 3D Printing
July: No meeting
August 16: Alice Webb, Elements of Composition: critique session and presentation
September 20: Mary Sundstrom,  TBD
October 18: Lycee Anaya, Screening of Pilot Episode: artist series and discussion of film 
November 15: Dierdre Stoneking, Bronze Cast Sculpture Process
December: No meeting