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Misty Hills by Tom Blazier

First Place, Standard Works, ¡Encantada! 2024

Celebrating our 26th anniversary, the Rio Grande Art Association (RGAA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the education and promotion of New Mexico artists. Membership is open to everyone. Traditional, classic, contemporary, or avant-garde artists in all media at all levels are welcome!  Our focus is on creativity, originality, and the development of personal expression!  RGAA Bylaws (updated July 2019)

Membership Signup / Information

Our monthly educational programs are on the third Saturday of each month (except July and December) at UNM Continuing Education Conference Center, North Building, Classroom D, 1634 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87131. Guests are welcome!


Mixed Media Show

Weems Gallery
5935 Wyoming Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109

Opening Reception: Friday March 7, 2025 from 5 to 7 pm
Exhibition Open to the Public: Friday March 7 through Saturday March 29, 2025

Gallery Hours: Monday though Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm

BEST OF SHOW: Sahara Lounge, Oil, Cheryl Godin
FIRST PLACE: Ovoid in Red Field, Mixed Media,  Larry Schulte
SECOND PLACE: Repose, Oil, Kathleen J. Keating
THIRD PLACE: Inside, Oil, Rex Barron
HONORABLE MENTION: Roaster, Oil, Diane Hahn

Download PR Release 


Looking for another member?

Log on the website to access the Membership Directory under the Members Only tab in the menu.

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Website Tech Tip: How to Retrieve Lost Password

Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages!

Next Members' Meeting

Saturday, April 19, 2025
, 9 am - Noon

UNM Continuing Education, North Building, 1634 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87131
Parking/ADA Access: Park in east lot behind building; enter through north door


 9:00 – 9:30 am: Check-in at greeting table
 9:30 –10:30 am: Brief business meeting, announcements, show-n-tell, and door prize drawing
10:30 –  Noon: Educational program ~

Ronna Katz, Print Making Presentation and Demonstration

Rio Grande Art Association Workshop

Barbara Coleman:  Drawing Fundamentals for Painters

The purpose of this three-day workshop is to give you tools, strategies, and drawing fundamentals, to improve your drawing skills and to better design your paintings. Drawing is a skill that can take years to master and is a foundational skill in good painting. Truly great drawing, beautiful in and of itself, uses refined and sensitive line and stands exquisitely on its own merits. Drawing for painting has a different purpose. Proportion, perspective, massing, and value shapes all take precedence over beautiful line quality. The brush, loaded with paint, will obscure the drawing underneath. The drawing needs to be good, and accurate, before laying in the paint, however. 

Barbara holds Signature Memberships in Oil Painters of America, Pastel Society of America, Plein Air Painters of New Mexico - Associate, and Women Artists of the West. 

WORKSHOP CONTACTDierdre Stoneking,


Registration Fee: $275 for RGAA, PSNM, and NMWS Members; $310 for non-members (1/2 down deposit, balance due 1 week prior)
  • RGAA Members: Log on before registering to receive the member workshop fee of $275
  • PSNM and NMWS Members: Contact Dierdre Stoneking for the discount code before registering in order to pay the member pricing
  • Non-Members: Consider signing up for RGAA membership for $35 per year and save on the registration fee

    Supply list and syllabus will be available and emailed to registrants several weeks before the workshop begins in April 2025.

Register Here


What We Do

  • Sponsor an annual Fall exhibition ¡Encantada! (more info ¡Encantada! 2024).
  • Co-sponsor MasterWorks of New Mexico each spring (more info MasterWorks of New Mexico ).
  • Provide workshops and additional exhibition venues for our members. 
  • Publish The Palette, our monthly newsletter (current and archived copies: The Palette).
  • Present ten educational programs at member meetings per year, featuring professional demonstrations and lectures (more info Monthly Programs).


Membership Benefits

  • Qualifying for entry into MasterWorks, Encantada, and other RGAA-sponsored exhibitions
  • Ten inspiring educational meetings per year (no meetings July or December)
  • RGAA-sponsored educational programs and workshops
  • The Palette newsletter published ten times per year (no issues July or December)
  • Member website listing on the RGAA website
  • Virtual membership card access on the RGAA website